Mr.BOB KAMPUNG INGGRIS : Spesialis terapi ngomong inggris + Pendongkrak PD - SMS : 0856-5568-1416 di KAMPUNG INGGRIS
Mr.BOB KAMPUNG INGGRIS : Spesialis terapi ngomong inggris + Pendongkrak PD - SMS : 0856-5568-1416 di KAMPUNG INGGRIS. Halo Guys, pasti penasaran kan baca judul kita, FATIN kursus di Mr.BOBKAMPUNG INGGRIS ? Iya beneran, fatin beneran ke Mr.BOB kok. Tapi bukan fatin yg X-Factor itu ya..hihiihi... ini nih ada salah satu member Mr.BOB yang kalo di kelas Mr.BOB di panggil nya "fatin". Karena anaknya tuh imut2 kecil kayak masih ABG, padahal udah lulus kuliah S1, ya mirip-mirip fatin X-Factor gitu dah bentuk nya )walopun sebenernya wajahnya gak mirip ^_^). Kali ini kita akan posting testimoni member kita tentang pengalaman nya belajar di Mr.BOB KAMPUNG INGGRIS. Tulisan ini kita ambil dari blog pribadinya. Ini nih guys, tulisan si-"FATIN" tentang Mr.BOB... cekidoot
hello guys,....
hows life? great! excellent! magnificent! wonderful! amazing! fuckin awesome!
Actually i just wanna share a little about my experience when i have an opportunity to go to english village a.k.a KAMPUNG INGGRIS in pare, kediri, east java..
hows life? great! excellent! magnificent! wonderful! amazing! fuckin awesome!
Actually i just wanna share a little about my experience when i have an opportunity to go to english village a.k.a KAMPUNG INGGRIS in pare, kediri, east java..
firstly i wanna tell you how to go there. you have some choice to choose accomodation to go there. there are three ways, you can go there by train, by bus, or by plane. Bcs i go there by train so i recommend to you to go there by train ha ha. you can choose Malabar if you are from bandung, and you can stop in kediri station. i advise you to book the travel first to pick up you in kediri so you dont have to confuse how to go to kampung inggris from kediri. From kediri to Pare Kampung Inggris you need a half hour if you go by car.
secondly, i would like to tell you about pare’s condition. don’t you think if you go to pare all the people will speak english in their daily activity ha ha its bullshit you know. you can meet some people who talk in english absolutely in course area or camp area.
thridly, maybe i would like to share you about the english courses that i ever join like Oxford, Kresna, Elfast, Mr.Bob, and Daffodils. I suggest you if you want to have a course in pare first thing that you have to do is find your purpose why you go to pare, because learn about english can’t be instantly like instant milk. If your purpose is learn about toefl, you can take a grammar course in kresna, elfast, or oxford. but if your purpose is learn about speaking or improve your conversation, you can take speaking course in daffodils or Mr.Bob english course.
"For the first you can take the course in Mr. Bob because i felt so amazing when i had finished my course there. i can improve my confidence and i don’t have to be shy if i have to talk in front of the audience like public sharing or public speaking".
"Mr. Bob english club is so recommended, trust me it works *iklan elemen* :p"
here are some documentation that i took when got Mr.BOB as my course in pare:
>>Speak Up II class in Mr Bob English Course
okay guys, maybe that’s a little experience that i can share to you about my holiday in Pare on February-April 2013.. and i really suggest you to go there if you want to improve your english because pare in an effective place if you want to learn more about english eventhough it just small village but you can get a lot of knowledge and greatest experience that you never get before.
i beg your pardon because my english is not really good and i haven’t be an expert grammar yet :p.
i hope you can enjoy and get something useful after reading this secret note, my really really secret story just you and me ha ha..
thanks a million:*
NOTE : Yang namanya kita panggil FATIN itu yg pake kaos tulisan MUHAMMAHD itu guys
Mr.BOB KAMPUNG INGGRIS : Spesialis terapi ngomong inggris + Pendongkrak PD - SMS : 0856-5568-1416 di KAMPUNG INGGRIS.